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Swedish Massage:
Developed by Swedish physician Per Henrik Ling two centuries ago, 
Swedish massage is the most common and popular massage technique in the Western world.  Swedish massage is efficient to help with muscular pain, tension and stress relief. Using this technique, I will massage the body’s soft tissues (superficial muscle parts), joints and tendons.


The benefits of Swedish massage are physical, emotional and psychological:

  • It soothes sharp and/or chronic muscular pain

  • It brings tonus, well-being, relaxation and flexibility to the body

  • It facilitates lymphatic drainage, which means that it helps the body eliminate toxins, and promotes good blood flow

  • It stimulates the immune system

  • It supports self-regulation and self-healing in the body

  • It helps the recovery of mobility by eliminating tensions in the body

  • It has the potential to alleviate stress, tensions and the depressive state

During a treatment, I will massage the face, arms, hands, neck, shoulders, feet, legs and back with great care. A Swedish massage will offer you a pleasurable and relaxing experience. Thanks to Swedish massage, you will benefit from deep muscular relaxation, a reduction of muscular pain and stress.


A session will last between 45 minutes and an hour. The massage requires the use of perfumed or non-scented oil (depending on your taste and skin condition. All oils and scents are carefully selected and 100% natural. Alternative can be provided, shall you not use oil.


Shiatsu Amma (sitting):


Shiatsu has Chinese origins 5000 years old and was introduced to Japan 13 centuries ago. The word “massage” characterized by two Chinese characters “AN” and “MO” means “to calm by touch” and also “tonify – disperse energy”. It is pronounced in Japanese “ANMA”.


In 1982, an American Shiatsu practitioner, based on the traditional Japanese art of acupressure, invented the concept of chair massage.


By pressure, stretching on the back, arms, hands, neck, skull of a person dressed in a seated position, the practitioner releases blockages and tensions accumulated in the body. At the same time, it stimulates acupuncture points to promote relaxation of the nervous system and rebalance energy circulation.



Sports massage :


Massage technique that works in depth on the muscles and their attachments, on the points of tension.

This massage relaxes tight muscles, prepares the athlete for exercise or recovery, and reduces pain by providing maximum rest and relaxation.



F.A.T (Fascial Abrasion Technique) is the modern version of a traditional Chinese practice named “Gusha”. This technique allows me to liberate tensions accumulated in the “fascias”, the structure of connective tissue that surrounds muscles. Tension in the fascia is often accountable for blocked joints or low mobility between vertebras.

With the FAT tool, I will rub the skin and search for tensions, starting with larger areas and refining towards small tensed spots. During the massage, I will test mobility and search for areas of the body suffering from muscular restriction. The FAT tool allows me to liberate these tensions. This technique is quick and extremely efficient to regain movement.




I have used Marc's services a few times over the last year and I am happy to recommend his services. He is very attentive and mindful to put you at ease, and will go the extra mile to make sure the experience is comfortable. Marc's massages are thorough and very efficient to relax tense muscles in the whole body, leaving you relaxed and unwinded.




I have been getting treatment with Marc since 2016. He has a calm and holistic approach to the body which always makes the experience very pleasant.

He is very intuitive and good at making me aware of new things

Which is going on in my body.

I would recommend a massage whit Marc to anyone who suffers from stress and tension, as the treatment always leaves me with a loose and soothing sensation afterwards. Thank you also for making me feel so relaxed and welcome

Vivien Badaut & Sarah Cook (2021)

Tibetan Bowl:
The “chanting bowl” is a kind of reversed bell. It has no clapper in the middle but is rather played with a stick. The Tibetan bowl is played on a towel, which guarantees that it will be totally harmless to the patients’ ears. Instead, it sends vibrations in the muscles and contributes to the relaxation of tensions.




  • Initial discussion: Anamnesis

  • Explanation of the massage process

  • Choice of the massage oil
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